Collaborative show between Cori Jaye Ettienne and
Zephyra Vun from anARCHI Design.
CollabosaurusRex: An Alliance Born From Clash
“Collaboration is integral to supporting the expansion of individual art practices.
In order for us to grow independently as artists, we believe we need to band together. By building a support network with other artists, we can all gain inspiration and new perspectives to enhance our own individual practices. In this way, we can promote a culture of inclusivity amongst artists and patrons, and use our creative voice to impact the greater community. In addition, our collaboration will aid in breaking down the stigma of ego and competition amongst artists.
This exhibit will be comprised of 16 works of visual art. Four will fuse the colourful, acrylic, pop-art spirit of Cori Jaye with Zephyra’s geometric, architectural approach. These four canvases will exemplify the amalgamation of two individual art styles. In addition, each of us will contribute six of our own individual creations. These pieces will convey the original source of artistry before collaboration to deepen the viewer’s understanding of our joint pieces.”
…..all with a sprinkle of Dinosaurs!
Check out Zephyra’s practice: